The short story “Maria Paz y su abuelo”, written by Su Rendón, is a project from Asociación Mónaco Argentina (AMA). It started with conversations between Pía and Julia Rubinelli and their multiple questions about who Pérez Esquivel is, what did he do in Argentina, why is he coming to Mónaco, and ended with a key question: what is peace?
This illustrated book begins with the search of an answer for these questions, and ends with illustrations from both girls. This was possible thanks to the will of the girls and their curiosity about this personality and his legacy.
Their drawings and expressive capacity reflect their need to know how they can help others and to express that being at peace with others is also a child’s play.
This experience confirms the importance of working closely with kids to transform scenes and to speak clearly about key topics children have a lot to say about.
Un grand merci pour ce site internet : je n’espérais pas
à si original. Vous vous démarquez vraiment des autres,