A benefactor of AMA (Association Monaco-Argentina) had a brilliant idea: how to multiply the aid, its efficiency and the “sharing movement” very fashionable these last years also within the associative medium?The Legion organization of Marie, in collaboration with several benefactors of Monaco and from various horizons, are involved in downtown Nice in order to be able to guarantee a meal to its inhabitants but also to meet the need for human support. AMA also wished to contribute to this project, creating a synergy that will involve all AMA staff every Friday, in the preparation of 100 sandwiches for the poorest people in Nice. We believe that education, good example and the exchange of ideas will create fertile ground for the growth and development of young people. In this project, volunteers of all ages can engage, contributing in a reciprocal exchange. Thus, anyone with time to share or premises available for the preparation of sandwiches is welcome. For the little ones, it is the opportunity to understand and put into practice the act of giving oneself and to discover the meaning of sharing. For adults, it is the opportunity to enjoy a serene moment and to have a real and sincere exchange, in addition to the pleasure of meeting while making himself useful. This chain of solidarity was created with the aim of helping the people in need of the city of Nice in a decisive way, while financially strengthening the action of AMA, and thus forge relations and reinforce the synergies between the different actors of humanitarian aid in Monaco. The AMA Healthy Project was born in December 2016 and has been running continuously since then.